
How can I register in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI)?

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If you live outside the Netherlands, you can register in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI) in person at one of the 19 municipalities in the Netherlands with an RNI desk. A government organisation may also be able to register you, depending on your situation.

Attention: If you move from the Netherlands to another country, you must deregister with your Dutch municipality. Your data will then automatically be transferred to the RNI.

Registering at an RNI desk in the Netherlands

You can register at one of the 19 municipalities in the Netherlands with an RNI desk, if you:

  • live outside the Netherlands, or
  • will be in the Netherlands for less than 4 months.

After registering at an RNI desk you will receive a citizen service number (BSN) and can apply for a DigiD.

    Registering through a government organisation

    If any of the following situations applies to you, a government organisation may be able to register you in the RNI. You do not have to be in the Netherlands for this. After registering you will receive a citizen service number (BSN) and you will be able to apply for a DigiD.