
Adding an ID check to the DigiD app

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If you live abroad and use the DigiD app you can add an ID check to it. The ID check is a one-off verification of your Dutch identity document and it’s used to confirm your identity. Find out how to add an ID check.

Attention: The information on this page is intended for people who have already activated their DigiD app. If you still need to do that, find out how to activate the DigiD app.

What do you need for the ID-check?

To add the ID check you need a Dutch identity document that meets certain requirements and a phone or tablet with an NFC reader. The NFC reader reads information from the chip in your identity document.

Step-by-step plan for adding an ID check

  1. Open the DigiD app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Enter your PIN.
  3. Tap the menu icon in the top left of the screen.
  4. Tap ‘ID check’.
  5. Tap ‘Continue’.
  6. Tap ‘Activate NFC’ if prompted (this message will not appear if NFC is already activated).
  7. Tap ‘Start scan’.
  8. Scan your identity document by holding it against the back of your phone or tablet.
  9. The ID check has now been added.

After adding an ID check

Once you’ve added the ID check you’ll see a green check mark next to ‘ID check’ in the DigiD app menu.

You can now log in to all organisations that use DigiD login. You can also log in to government organisations in other European countries that recognise European forms of electronic identification (eID).



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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