
What is the Non-residents Records Database?

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The Non-residents Records Database (RNI) is part of the Personal Records Database (BRP). It contains the information of people who live abroad and have dealings with the Dutch authorities. Everyone in the RNI has a citizen service number (BSN).

How does my personal data end up in the RNI?

There are 3 ways for a person to become registered in the RNI.

What personal data is recorded in the Non-residents Records Database?

Exactly what data of yours is recorded in the RNI depends on how you were registered. If you want to know what personal data of yours is in the RNI or whether you are even registered at all – and therefore whether you have a BSN – you can find that out.

What personal data is recorded in the Non-residents Records Database?

Why is it important that my data is in the RNI?

Deregistering from the RNI

If you are registered in the RNI and move to the Netherlands, you must register with the Dutch municipality where you will be living. You will then automatically be deregistered from the RNI. Your BSN will remain valid.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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