
Can I continue to receive unemployment benefit if I go abroad?

If you live in the Netherlands and receive unemployment benefit from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), in most cases you cannot continue to receive this benefit if you go abroad. However, there are a few exceptions.

In the following situations you may be able to continue receiving your unemployment benefit if you go abroad. However, there are specific conditions you must meet.


If you don’t see your situation, it is probably not possible for you to continue receiving your unemployment benefit abroad.

What is your situation?

If you go abroad on holiday you will still receive your unemployment benefit during your holiday. Each calendar year you can take up to 20 vacation days. If you are within 1 year of the age of retirement, you are entitled to up to 65 vacation days. If you are unemployed for only part of the year, you will receive vacation days for that part of the year only.

Reporting vacation days

Report your vacation days using Mijn UWV. Do this no later than 1 day before you go on holiday. To report your vacation days you will need a DigiD or an EU-approved login key. You’ll find more information about going on holiday when you receive unemployment benefit from UWV on the UWV website (information in Dutch).

If you go abroad to an EU/EEA country or Switzerland to look for work, you can continue to receive your full unemployment benefit for up to 3 months. It doesn’t matter if you live in the Netherlands or abroad during this period. However, you must meet all conditions for continuing to receive unemployment benefit outside the Netherlands (in Dutch). While abroad your rights and obligations regarding your unemployment benefit remain the same.


If you go to a country other than an EU/EEA country or Switzerland you will not be able to continue receiving your unemployment benefit.

How can I continue to receive unemployment benefit if I go abroad?

To continue receiving your benefit while you are abroad you will need a PD U2 form (information in Dutch). Apply for it at least 1 week before your departure by calling UWV.

Find out more about how you can continue to receive unemployment benefit outside of the Netherlands.


If you are moving from the Netherlands to a location abroad, notify UWV of this no later than 2 weeks before your departure by calling UWV (information in Dutch).

What you also need to arrange if you’re going to move abroad


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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