
How to view and change data on MijnOverheid?

On MijnOverheid and in the MijnGegevens app you can see which information about you is registered with the Dutch authorities. If the information is incorrect or incomplete, you can find out on MijnOverheid how to have it updated.

What information can I see?

If you are logged in on MijnOverheid or the MijnGegevens app, you can see how you are registered with the Dutch government.

Updating your information

Updating your email address

If your email address changes or if you would like to receive new message notifications at a different email address, log in to MijnOverheid with your DigiD and update your email address under ‘Instellingen’ (Settings). 

Reporting a change of address online

If you live outside the Netherlands and are moving to another location outside the Netherlands, you can report a change of your foreign address online using the Change of Address Abroad service portal. You will need a DigiD for this.

Reporting other changes 

If you have a question about anything in your MijnOverheid account, if your situation has changed or if your information is incorrect, contact the organisation you are registered with. You cannot change your data on MijnOverheid or the MijnGegevens app yourself. You’ll find their contact details at the bottom of the relevant page.

Attention: If you have you moved abroad from The Netherlands, some of your personal data on MijnOverheid will no longer be updated. This concerns data in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI) that changes after your relocation abroad. For example, your marital status or your children. While living abroad, it is not possible to change these data. These details are updated again when you move back and register in the Netherlands.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.