
I am going to travel abroad. How will this affect my health insurance?

If you will be travelling abroad for less than 1 year, you can keep your Dutch health insurance. If you will be travelling abroad for more than 1 year, the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) will determine whether you can keep your Dutch health insurance.

Attention: If you will be working while travelling, you usually cannot keep your Dutch health insurance, regardless of the duration of your trip. In that case, contact the SVB.

Less than 1 year abroad

If you will be travelling for less than 1 year, you must have Dutch health insurance. Ask your health insurer about the coverage your policy offers outside the Netherlands. If necessary, take out supplementary insurance.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

If you will be travelling in an EU country, EEA country or Switzerland, apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your health insurer. With an EHIC you are entitled to essential medical care in the country where you are travelling.

Read more about the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Between 1 and 3 years abroad

If you will be travelling for more than 1 year but less than 3 years, you can only keep your Dutch health insurance if you are insured in the Netherlands under the Chronic Care Act (Wlz). If you are not sure whether you are insured under the Wlz, see the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) website. Select the situation that applies to you to see whether you are insured under the Wlz.

Visit to find out if you are insured under the Wlz

If your situation is not listed or you have any questions, apply for an assessment of your insurance position from the SVB. The SVB will then determine whether you are insured under the Wlz.

Apply for an assessment of your insurance position under the Wlz scheme from the SVB

Termination of Dutch health insurance policy

If the SVB determines that you cannot keep your Dutch health insurance, terminate your policy as soon as possible. Stop any healthcare benefit you may receive too. You must take out health insurance abroad or purchase international health insurance.

How can I arrange health insurance abroad?

What is international health insurance?

More than 3 years abroad

If you will be travelling abroad for more than 3 years, you cannot keep your Dutch health insurance. You can take out health insurance abroad or purchase international health insurance.

How can I arrange health insurance abroad?

What is international health insurance?


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.