
DigiD Authorisation from abroad

Language selection:English

If you live abroad you can authorise someone else to manage your affairs with the Dutch authorities. Or you may want to arrange someone else’s affairs on their behalf. You can do this through DigiD authorisation. Authorisation is issued for a specific task or a specific organisation.

What is your situation?

What you need

Authorisation in 5 steps

  1. Go to (in Dutch).
  2. Click ‘Iemand machtigen’ (Authorise someone).

  3. Select the organisation or task you wish to give authorisation for. Click ‘Iemand machtigen’ (Authorise someone).
  4. Log in with your DigiD or recognised form of eID from another European country and continue with your authorisation request.
  5. Once you have completed your request, an authorisation code will appear on the screen. Contact the person you have authorised to manage your affairs and give them the following information:
    • the authorisation code
    • your citizen service number (BSN)

The person who is managing your affairs must activate the authorisation via They must log in using their DigiD.

If you want to manage someone else’s affairs with the Dutch authorities and that person lives in the Netherlands, you can request authorisation for yourself. You do this on behalf of the person whose affairs you wish to manage. You will need a DigiD to do this.

Obtaining authorisation in 7 steps

  1. Go to (in Dutch).
  2. Click ‘Gemachtigd worden’ (Obtain authorisation).
  3. Select the organisation and task. Click ‘Gemachtigd worden’ (Obtain authorisation).
  4. Log in with your DigiD and continue with your authorisation request.
  5. The person whose affairs you will be managing will receive an authorisation code by post within 3 working days.
  6. Contact them after this time and ask them to give you the following information:
  7. Go to to activate the authorisation. You will need to log in with your DigiD.
Attention: If the person whose affairs you wish to manage lives abroad, the authorisation code cannot be sent to them by post. This means they must submit the authorisation request themselves. They will need a DigiD or a recognised form of eID from another European country to do this.  


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.