
Can I take my car with me when I move abroad?

If you move abroad and want to take your Dutch-registered car with you, you first need to de-register your car in the Netherlands. Then, you can register your car in your new country of residence. The authorities of that country will issue your car with new registration plates.

Exporting a car from the Netherlands

If you want to take your car with you when you move abroad, you must de-register it from the Netherlands’ vehicle registration database. This is known as ‘exporting’ your car. After you export your car, you will no longer need to pay Dutch road tax. And you can cancel your Dutch vehicle insurance policy. Remember, however, that you must take out temporary insurance if you intend to drive your car to your new country of residence. You should arrange the export with the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) or a recognised exporter. 

See the step-by-step plan for exporting a car

Registering your car in your new country of residence

You must register your car in your new country of residence. How and when you must do this depends on the country. Ask the authorities in your new country of residence for more information. Be aware that you will also need to pay tax and insure your car.

Find out more about registering your car in an EU country ( (

If you are moving to Germany and want to register your car there, see step 4 of the step-by-step plan for exporting a car to find out how to do this. 

What you also need to arrange if you’re going to move abroad

Check what else you need to arrange if you are going to move abroad


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Also useful

How long can I drive a car with Dutch registration plates abroad?