
Registering a foreign marriage in the Netherlands

If you get married outside the Netherlands, check whether you need to register your marriage in the Netherlands. This depends on where you live.

If you live outside the Netherlands you can have your foreign marriage certificate converted into a Dutch one.This is not mandatory. If you live in the Netherlands, you must register your foreign marriage in the Netherlands.

Converting a foreign marriage certificate into a Dutch one

You can have your foreign marriage certificate converted into a Dutch one. This option is available if you and/or your partner are Dutch nationals or recognised refugees. You can do this at the municipality of The Hague’s Foreign Documents Department. This is not mandatory, but it can be useful if you ever need an extract in the future.

Attention: Please note: foreign marriage certificates are not automatically valid and recognised in the Netherlands. You may need to have the foreign certificate translated and/or legalised first in the country where you got married. Find out whether you need to have the certificate legalised and, if so, how.

Registering a foreign marriage in the Netherlands

If you live in the Netherlands, you must register your foreign marriage certificate in the Netherlands. You can only do this in the municipality where you live. Do this as soon as possible after returning to the Netherlands. The municipality will update your details in the Personal Records Database (BRP). Registering a foreign marriage in the Netherlands is free. You will need to present documents including the original marriage certificate, your identity document and your partner’s identity document. Your municipality can tell you which other documents you need.

Attention: Please note: foreign marriage certificates are not automatically valid and recognised in the Netherlands. You may need to have the foreign certificate translated and/or legalised first in the country where you got married. Find out whether you need to have the certificate legalised and, if so, how.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.