BSN on passport from 2014
Do you have a passport with an issue date in 2014 or after 2014? Then your BSN is at the top of page 1, on the back of the personal details page (the page with your photo). Your BSN consists of 9 numbers. Above your BSN is the text 'personal number', which is another word for BSN. For passports with an issue date after 30 August 2021, you will also find your BSN in a QR code on the back of the personal details page.
On passports issued after 2014 it is on the back.
BSN on passport before 2014
Do you have a passport with an issue date before 2014? Then your BSN is on the front of the personal details page (the page with your photo), next to your date of birth. Your BSN consists of 9 numbers. Above your BSN is the text 'personal number', which is another word for BSN. Your BSN is also in the long row of letters and numbers under your photo. They are the last 9 numbers of the long row.
On passports issued before 2014 the BSN is located on the front of the personal details page.
No Dutch passport?
Do you not have a Dutch passport? You can also find your BSN in other ways.
No BSN yet?
Don't you have a citizen service number yet? Read how you can get a BSN.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.