
Taking pets abroad

The rules for taking your pet abroad vary by country. Find out what you have to arrange before your trip. And what the requirements are for bringing your pet back to the Netherlands. 

Important to know

  • Follow the rules of all countries you are travelling to or through with your pet. For example, if you travel from the Netherlands to Spain, via Belgium and France, you must comply with the rules of all these countries.
  • Make sure that your pet meets the rules for returning to the Netherlands.
  • These rules only apply to pets from the Netherlands.
  • If your pet does not meet the rules, it may be sent home at your expense. 
  • The rules only apply if you will remain the owner of the pet during the trip.
  • If you are travelling by air, check the rules of the airport and airline as well.

Travelling abroad with a dog, cat or ferret

The rules for taking a dog, cat or ferret abroad depend on the country you are travelling to. There are different rules for EU countries and non-EU countries. The import requirements of the United Kingdom for pets from the EU (information in Dutch) have remained the same after the Brexit.

Returning to the Netherlands

If you are returning to the Netherlands with your dog, cat or ferret, find out what you need to arrange.

Travelling with other pets

Rules for taking other types of pets with you also vary by country. There are different rules for EU countries and non-EU countries.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.