
Accessibility wants everyone to be able to use this website. So accessibility is an important consideration in everything we do. But if you do come across a page that is not accessible, please let us know.

Accessibility statement

An accessible website is one that is easy to use for everyone. All government websites must meet certain functional, technical and editorial accessibility requirements. Government websites must account for this in a published accessibility statement.

See the accessibility statement

How do we make the website accessible?

As part of our daily processes, we take a number of measures to guarantee accessibility.

  • Accessibility is the guiding principle for all steps in this website’s design, construction and editing process.
  • Each year independent specialists test our website’s accessibility, from a functional, technical and editorial point of view. We find lasting solutions to any issues identified.
  • Our staff keep their knowledge on accessibility up to date and apply it accordingly.

Report accessibility problems

If you have any questions or comments, or come across a page that is inaccessible, contact us using the contact form.

Travel App (Reisapp) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Customs

Accessibility statement

An accessible mobile application is one that is easy to use for everyone. All government mobile applications must meet certain functional, technical and editorial accessibility requirements. Dutch government bodies must account for this in a published accessibility statement.

See the Travel App (Reisapp) accessibility statement

Parts of the app that do not meet accessibility requirements

  • Problems with the ‘read aloud’ function, making the app less accessible to people with a visual impairment and others who use this option.
  • Problems with being able to clearly see elements in the app, making the app less accessible.
  • Information offered on a website outside the app is more difficult for users (even those without visual impairments) to access.

Report Travel App (Reisapp) accessibility problems

If you come across any accessibility problems, or you have a question or comment about the accessibility of the Travel App, email