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Registering the ending of a civil partnership in the civil registry in the Netherlands

Have you had your civil partnership ended by a lawyer or notary? Then they will register the final order (Akte ontbinding van geregistreerd partnerschap) with the civil registry (burgerlijke stand). Have you had your civil partnership ended by a court? Then the court will have the final order registered with the civil registry.

Ending a civil partnership outside of the courts

Your lawyer or notary sends the final order to the civil registry for registration. This is done within 3 months.

Ending a civil partnership by a judge in court

If a judge ends your civil partnership, registration with the civil registry follows within 6 months.

The final order should be registered with the registry office of the municipality where you formed your civil partnership. You must do this within 3 months if the final order is issued by a lawyer or notary, 6 months if issued by a court. Only then is your civil partnership legally ended.

This is how it works for you

Your (future) place of residence falls under:

Here is some information from your municipality.

Municipality of Laarbeek: Registering the ending of a civil partnership in the civil registry

The termination must be reported in the municipality where you got married or where your partnership is registered. Did your marriage or partnership take place abroad? In that case, the termination must be communicated to the municipality of The Hague.
The divorce or termination of partnership is only official after registration in the Civil Registry.

Your lawyer applies for a divorce from the Court. Your lawyer will send the court decision to the municipality where you were married at the time. As soon as the municipality records the divorce in the Civil Registry, the divorce is official.

Termination of partnership
You can terminate your registered partnership in 2 ways. Through the intervention of a judge or by a lawyer or notary. You can only go through a lawyer or notary if you have no minor children together and if you both agree that you want to dissolve the partnership. As soon as the municipality has recorded the court decision or the termination agreement in the Civil Registry, your partnership is definitively terminated. You must always report the termination of your partnership in the municipality where your partnership is registered. If that is the municipality of Laarbeek, make an appointment for this. You can do this by telephone on 0492 469 700.

What you need
When registering for a divorce

A written request for registration in the register of the Civil Registry.
Evidence of the Court's decision (the decision).
Evidence that you are not appealing against the judge's decision (deeds of resignation).
When registering a termination of partnership

A termination agreement drawn up by the civil-law notary or lawyer.
Upon termination by a judge; see divorce.

Registration of the ending of a civil partnership is free of charge.

The municipality will process the data within 1 week.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Laarbeek

Last updated on 22 September 2022