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Applying for a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag (VOG) in the Netherlands

Many jobs in the Netherlands require you to have a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag – VOG (certificate of conduct). This also includes volunteer work. Examples are if you are going to work with confidential information or with children. A VOG shows that your behaviour is satisfactory for a new job. You may also need a VOG to apply for a visa or if you want to emigrate to another country.

There are several ways to apply for a VOG:

Do you own a company or organisation that requires a VOG? Then you can apply for a VOG voor rechtspersonen – VOG RP (certificate of conduct for legal entities).

This is how it works for you

Your (future) place of residence falls under:

Here is some information from your municipality.

Requesting a certificate of good conduct (VOG)

If you get a new job or apply for certain permits, you sometimes need a certificate of good conduct (VOG). When the employer or organization has provided you with a completed application form, you can make an appointment with the municipality.

Please note: you can only apply for a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag – VOG (certificate of conduct) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You are registered in the municipality of Oudewater.

What should you bring to your appointment?

-Your ID.
-The application form (completed by the employer or organisation).
-If you are applying for the VOG for someone else: proof of identity and written authorization from this person.

Apply online

  1. An employer or organization applies for your VOG through the Justis Service
  2. You will receive an email from the employer or organization with further instructions.
  3. You apply for your VOG online at the Justis Service.

Request in writing

  1. An employer or organization completes the application form.
  2. You can make an appointment.
  3. You can go to the city office for your appointment and hand in all the necessary documents.

Please visit our website to check the actual rates

You will receive the VOG or the refusal within 4 weeks at the address you specify in the application.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Oudewater

Visiting address

Waardsedijk 219

3421NE Oudewater

Opening hours
13:00 - 16:30
17:30 - 19:30
Last updated on 26 September 2022