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Paying the waste collection charge

You must pay the waste collection charge (afvalstoffenheffing) for the collection and processing of your household waste. The waste collection charge is part of the municipal taxes (gemeentelijke belastingen) and is billed by your municipality.

Municipalities calculate the amount of the waste collection charge in different ways. Some municipalities calculate the amount of the waste collection charge based of the size of your household. The larger your household, the more you pay. Other municipalities calculate the charge based on the amount of waste collected.

The waste collection charge is included in the municipal tax bill. This is usually sent out in the first 2 weeks of February.

Apply for an exemption on paying municipal taxes

Are you unable to pay your municipal taxes? Then ask your municipality for an exemption. You can be granted an exemption from paying part of the taxes, or all of the taxes. The municipality decides for which taxes you can be exempt from paying. It also determines whether you are eligible for an exemption.

This is how it works for you

Your (future) place of residence falls under:

Here is some information from your municipality.

Waste charges

Every year you pay a waste levy. This way you contribute to the costs of collecting and processing your household waste. You will usually receive an assessment at the end of February via or by post. You can also view your assessment online via My SVHW.

  • if you move to another municipality, you will pay a waste levy to the municipality of Alblasserdam up to and including the month in which you move. You will be refunded the overpaid money
  • companies and shops do not pay a waste levy. They themselves enter into a contract with a waste collection company. Companies that do not do so pay cleaning fees to the municipality

Fixed rate

You pay a fixed rate based on single or multi-person households.

Waste levy by letter

You will receive a letter stating how much waste exemption you have to pay. The letter also tells you how to pay. And by what date this has to be done.

Pay in time

Make sure you pay on time. Otherwise you will have to pay a fine.


You can ask whether you do not have to pay part of the levy. This is called a waiver. Whether you are entitled to remission depends on your personal situation.

For more information visit our website.

You can submit a digital objection within 6 weeks of the date. You will find this date on the assessment. For more information visit our website.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Alblasserdam

Last updated on 22 September 2022