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Applying for an affordable housing permit

Do you want to rent affordable, social housing? In some municipalities you need anaffordable housing permit (huisvestingsvergunning) for this. Check with your municipality whether this applies in your municipality. If necessary, apply to your municipality for the affordable housing permit.

Are you going to rent social housing from a housing corporation (woningbouwcorporatie)? Then in many municipalities you do not need an affordable housing permit, but in some you do. Check with your municipality.

The eligibility conditions for an affordable housing permit differ depending on the municipality. Eligibility criteria may stipulate that:

  • you work or study in the municipality or region;
  • you already live (or have lived) in the municipality or region;
  • the property matches your income and the size of your family.

This is how it works for you

Your (future) place of residence falls under:

Here is some information from your municipality.

Housing permit

In the municipality of Voorne aan Zee, procedures or the way things are arranged may differ from the general information above. Would you like to know how things are arranged in the municipality of Voorne aan Zee? You can find all local information on our website: Housing permit.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Voorne aan Zee

Last updated on 26 September 2022