
Applying for a certificate of legal capacity to marry in Taiwan

If you are a Dutch national living in Taiwan and you need a certificate of legal capacity to marry? If you have never lived in the Netherlands and wish to marry in Taiwan, you can get this document through the Netherlands Office Taipei in Taipei.

Warning: If you are a Dutch national and live in the Netherlands (or have lived in the Netherlands previously), the step-by-step plan on this page does not apply to you. You can get a certificate of legal capacity to marry (verklaring van huwelijksbevoegdheid) from the Dutch municipality where you live or the last municipality you lived in before you left the Netherlands. Go to the website of the relevant municipality for more information.

Through the steps below, apply for a certificate of legal capacity to marry in person.

Step 1: Gather the documents that you need

To apply for a certificate of legal capacity to marry, you will need to provide a number of other documents. The certificate of legal capacity to marry will also give the details of the person you intend to marry.

Which documents must you and your partner provide?

You may need to have non-Dutch documents translated and legalised.

Step 2: Make an appointment 

You can only apply in person for a certificate of legal capacity to marry at the Netherlands Office Taipei in Taiwan. 

You must make an appointment online.

Step 3: Pay the fee

The fee for a consular certificate is €30. You also have to pay shipping costs.

You can find information on how to pay in the overview of consular fees.

Step 4: Receive the certificate

On average, it takes about 5 working days to process your application. If you need to submit additional documents, it will take more time to process your application. 

The certificate will be sent to you by mail.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.