
Applying for a Schengen visa for the Netherlands in Cabo Verde

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If you are a resident of Cabo Verde, you can apply for a Schengen visa at the Portuguese application center of CCV (Centro Comum de Vistos) in Praia.

I live in Cabo Verde

If you live in Cabo Verde, find out how to apply for a Schengen visa at Portugal's CCV (Centro Comum de Vistos) (information in Portuguese).

I don’t live in Cabo Verde

If you don’t live in Cabo Verde, you must apply for a visa for the Netherlands in the country where you live.

Find out how to apply for a Schengen visa in your country of residence

If you haven’t been back to your country of residence in the past 6 months or you didn’t know you would need to travel to the Netherlands when you left, you may be able to apply for a visa elsewhere.

Find out if you can apply for a Schengen visa in another country than your country of residence


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.