
I work outside the Netherlands and have become ill. What should I do?

If you work outside the Netherlands and are unable to work due to illness, your employer may have to continue paying your salary or you may qualify for sickness benefit. This depends on the country where you work and where you are insured.

1. Find out if you’re insured

If you want to know what you qualify for in your situation, first check whether you are insured against loss of income due to illness and, if so, in what country. This could be in the Netherlands or somewhere else.

Check where you are insured 

2. Find out what you qualify for

Once you’ve done that, find out what you’re entitled to. Your employer may have to continue paying your salary, or you may qualify for sickness benefit. This depends on the country you are insured in and where you work.  

3. Applying for sickness benefit

You can apply for sickness benefit if you qualify for it. The application process varies by country. In most situations you have to apply for sickness benefit from the benefits organisation in the country where you work. 

Find out how to apply for sickness benefit 

4. Sickness benefit amount and duration

The amount and duration of sickness benefit varies by country. How much you receive and for how long is different in the Netherlands than in Belgium, for example. 

Find out more about the amount and duration of sickness benefit


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.